
Gretchen, her spouse, and their six children reside on a farm in Minnesota. She has a child with a food allergy and an autoimmune illness. Plus, he learns in a totally different way than other youngsters. As she watches her children develop and get home education, she finds inspiration in them.

Garden Texiles Delights

Explore our verdant garden guides, where she weaves the inspiration for your upcoming craft project and he plants the seeds of wisdom on growing lovely blossoms. We can help you with your flora and fauna, from planting advice to fabric choosing!

Threads of Growth

Take a look at our blog area where we feature touching tales about the relationship between sewing and gardening. Discover stories of handcrafted plant hangers, personalized gardening clothing, and the enchantment that occurs when imagination takes root in the garden.

Community Patchwork

Interact with people who share your interests in our lively community forum. Talk about your successes in gardening, trade sewing designs, or ask for help with that problematic area of soil. More than just a website, "He Sows and She Sews" is a helpful group of aspiring gardeners and sewing experts.

She majored in English and pursued studies in writing, publishing, and literature while in college. After graduation, writing turned into a pastime. Maintaining some control over the knowledge she had gained in school was important to her while she raised her first few children. She soon started developing knitting patterns, combining her passion of knitting with her technical writing abilities.


Gretchen is a farmwife, mother, and teacher to her 6 hilarious children. In her free time, she is a writer, knitting designer, and aspiring Biblical scholar. Her hope is that you can pour yourself some coffee and be blessed.

In the vicious cycle of self-help, self-righteousness, and self-loathing, we become a slave to the pursuit of perfection. Through Christ’s own perfection, he has set us free. This is a podcast about the freedom that comes through dependence in Christ, and understanding the depth of his love. Listen to the podcast here.

Madalyn Reviews

"This is not your typical Christian Podcast for women, if you’re looking for fluff, this isn’t it! You will constantly be reminded that we are sinners with hope through the Gospel. Gretchen and Katie will point you to Jesus time and time again."

Misty Podcasts

"It’s been so great to feel like I have less to do after listening to a podcast. They continually just point to Christ’s sufficiency instead of giving helpful tips to improve your life. Also the Midwest accent is super fun and they keep it light."

Sterling Lawyers

"I love the way Gretchen and Katie give practical and spiritually freeing ideas for practicing spiritual disciplines. Injecting light humor makes this podcast something I look forward to listening to."

Gospel Mentoring

The snow is gone besides some dirty, icy piles at the edge of woods and houses. Don't feel sad because of that. Use this as an opportunity to be empowered. Gospel Mentoring is a program that allows the building relationships to impact and encourage younger women, using the time you have now. If you want to learn how to have an impact, then this is the leadership course for you.